Finite + high precision example: Error correcting codes

A constant weight error correcting code of length N, distance D and weight W is a set of binary words of length N, each of which has exactly W ones, where every pair of words differs in at least D coordinates. Here we bound the maximum cardinality of such a code, and solve the SDP to a high precision.

using FlagSOS

Setting up the model

N = 11 # length
W = 3  # weight
D = 4; # distance

The type ConstantWeightCode{W,D} models all codes with constant weight W and minimum distance D, independent of its length N.

const WDCode = ConstantWeightCode{W,D}
ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}

We start by creating an empty FlagModel for WDCodes of length N. Since N is finite, we need Rational{Int} coefficients.

m = FlagModel{WDCode,N,Rational{Int}}();

We want to maximize the cardinality of the code, i.e. the density of the subcode containing just one word of weight W.

e = WDCode(ones(Bool, 1, W))
m.objective = -1 * e
 -1 ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[1 1 1])

Initializing the Razborov hierarchy

We chose to work with the Razborov hierarchy at level 6, which is based on densities of subcodes fully contained in lvl vertices of the code. This is the same hierarchy Flagmatic uses.

lvl = 6
rM = addRazborovBlock!(m, lvl)
Dict{ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}, Int64} with 10 entries:
  ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×6 BitMatrix)                                  => 1
  ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[0 0 … 0 1; 1 1 … 0 1])                     => 1
  ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[0 0 … 1 1; 1 1 … 0 0])                     => 1
  ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×4 BitMatrix)                                  => 10
  ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×0 BitMatrix)                                  => 2
  ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[1 1 … 0 0])                                => 1
  ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[0 1 … 1 0; 0 1 … 0 1; 1 0 … 0 1; 1 0 … 1 … => 1
  ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×2 BitMatrix)                                  => 4
  ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[1 1 1 0])                                  => 4
  ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[0 0 … 1 0; 0 1 … 0 1; 1 0 … 1 1])          => 1

We still need to compute the coefficients of the actual optimization problem

1-element Vector{Dict{ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}, Dict{ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}, SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Rational{Int64}, Int64}}}}:
 Dict(ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[0 0 … 1 1; 1 1 … 0 0]) => Dict(ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×6 BitMatrix) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[10], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[0 0 … 1 1; 1 1 … 0 0]) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[1], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×4 BitMatrix) => sparse([4, 3, 6, 5, 9, 8], [3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9], Rational{Int64}[6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7], 10, 10), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×0 BitMatrix) => sparse([2], [2], Rational{Int64}[56//165], 2, 2), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[1 1 … 0 0]) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[-1], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×2 BitMatrix) => sparse([3, 2], [2, 3], Rational{Int64}[7//12, 7//12], 4, 4)), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[1 1 1]) => Dict(ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×6 BitMatrix) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[-20], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×4 BitMatrix) => sparse([3, 7, 4, 7, 5, 7, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 7, 8, 7, 9], [3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9], Rational{Int64}[1//7, 1, 1//7, 1, 1//7, 1, 1//7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -4, 1, 1, 1, 1//7, 1, 1//7], 10, 10), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×0 BitMatrix) => sparse([2, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2], Rational{Int64}[1, 1, 1//165], 2, 2), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[1 1 … 0 0]) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[1], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×2 BitMatrix) => sparse([1, 4, 2, 4, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3], [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4], Rational{Int64}[1//9, 1, 1//36, 1, 1//36, 1, 1, 1, 1], 4, 4), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[1 1 1 0]) => sparse([3], [3], Rational{Int64}[1], 4, 4)), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×0 BitMatrix) => Dict(ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×6 BitMatrix) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[1], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×4 BitMatrix) => sparse([7], [7], Rational{Int64}[1], 10, 10), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×0 BitMatrix) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[1], 2, 2), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×2 BitMatrix) => sparse([4], [4], Rational{Int64}[1], 4, 4)), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[0 0 … 1 1; 1 1 … 0 1]) => Dict(ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×6 BitMatrix) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[90], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[0 0 … 0 1; 1 1 … 0 1]) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[1], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×4 BitMatrix) => sparse([1, 7, 8, 9, 2, 5, 6, 7, 3, 4  …  4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 3, 4, 7, 10], [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3  …  9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10], Rational{Int64}[1//7, 1, 1//7, 1//7, 1//7, 1//7, 1//7, 1, -2//7, 1//7  …  6//7, 6//7, 6//7, -2, 1//7, -2//7, 1//7, 1//7, 1, 1//7], 10, 10), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×0 BitMatrix) => sparse([2], [2], Rational{Int64}[28//55], 2, 2), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[1 1 … 0 0]) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[-9], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×2 BitMatrix) => sparse([2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], Rational{Int64}[7//9, 7//9, 7//9, 7//12, 7//18, 7//9, 7//18, 7//12], 4, 4), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[1 1 1 0]) => sparse([1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3, 4], [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4], Rational{Int64}[1//7, 1, 1//7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1//7], 4, 4)), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[0 1 … 1 0; 0 1 … 0 1; 1 0 … 0 1; 1 0 … 1 0]) => Dict(ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×6 BitMatrix) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[30], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[0 0 … 0 1; 1 1 … 0 1]) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[2], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×4 BitMatrix) => sparse([2, 10, 1, 10, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2, 10, 10], Rational{Int64}[6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7], 10, 10), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[1 1 … 0 0]) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[-6], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[0 1 … 1 0; 0 1 … 0 1; 1 0 … 0 1; 1 0 … 1 0]) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[1], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[0 0 … 1 0; 0 1 … 0 1; 1 0 … 1 1]) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[-1], 1, 1)), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[0 0 … 1 0; 0 1 … 0 1; 1 0 … 1 1]) => Dict(ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×6 BitMatrix) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[-120], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[0 0 … 0 1; 1 1 … 0 1]) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[-4], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(0×4 BitMatrix) => sparse([3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 4, 8, 9, 1, 2  …  2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 5, 6, 8, 9], [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3  …  9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10], Rational{Int64}[6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7  …  6//7, -6//7, -6//7, -6//7, -6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7], 10, 10), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[1 1 … 0 0]) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[18], 1, 1), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[1 1 1 0]) => sparse([2, 4, 1, 4, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4], Rational{Int64}[6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7, 6//7], 4, 4), ConstantWeightCode{3, 4}(Bool[0 0 … 1 0; 0 1 … 0 1; 1 0 … 1 1]) => sparse([1], [1], Rational{Int64}[1], 1, 1)))

Solving the SDP

Now we can solve it to a high precision

using Hypatia, JuMP, GenericLinearAlgebra
M = buildJuMPModel(m, Dict(), GenericModel{BigFloat}());
set_optimizer(M.model, Hypatia.Optimizer{BigFloat})

 iter        p_obj        d_obj |  abs_gap    x_feas    z_feas |      tau       kap        mu | dir_res     prox  step     alpha
    0   3.4643e+00   1.2498e-01 | 2.60e+01  5.73e-01  8.43e-01 | 1.00e+00  1.00e+00  1.00e+00 |
    1   6.5540e-01   1.2115e-01 | 3.95e+00  8.30e-02  1.22e-01 | 1.03e+00  9.81e-02  1.50e-01 | 3.3e-76  6.4e-01  co-a  8.50e-01
    2   3.0434e-01   1.1255e-01 | 1.52e+00  3.18e-02  4.68e-02 | 1.08e+00  5.34e-02  5.85e-02 | 7.7e-77  7.4e-01  co-a  6.00e-01
    3   1.4436e-01   1.0880e-01 | 3.11e-01  4.95e-03  7.27e-03 | 1.39e+00  2.65e-03  1.17e-02 | 1.3e-76  7.5e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
    4   1.2183e-01   1.1351e-01 | 8.79e-02  1.24e-03  1.82e-03 | 1.66e+00  1.79e-03  3.37e-03 | 9.5e-76  5.1e-01  co-a  7.00e-01
    5   1.1514e-01   1.1282e-01 | 2.57e-02  3.47e-04  5.11e-04 | 1.78e+00  5.61e-04  9.89e-04 | 8.1e-76  8.7e-01  co-a  7.00e-01
    6   1.1233e-01   1.1159e-01 | 7.27e-03  1.13e-04  1.67e-04 | 1.64e+00  1.90e-04  2.81e-04 | 2.2e-75  9.8e-01  co-a  7.00e-01
    7   1.1130e-01   1.1119e-01 | 1.07e-03  1.73e-05  2.54e-05 | 1.61e+00  2.61e-05  4.10e-05 | 1.6e-75  8.8e-01  co-a  8.50e-01
    8   1.1114e-01   1.1113e-01 | 1.58e-04  2.61e-06  3.84e-06 | 1.60e+00  3.38e-06  6.06e-06 | 2.0e-74  7.6e-01  co-a  8.50e-01
    9   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 1.56e-05  2.66e-07  3.91e-07 | 1.57e+00  3.26e-07  5.96e-07 | 1.8e-73  7.7e-01  co-a  9.00e-01
   10   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 1.52e-06  2.74e-08  4.03e-08 | 1.53e+00  3.10e-08  5.81e-08 | 1.3e-72  8.4e-01  co-a  9.00e-01
   11   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 2.18e-07  4.30e-09  6.32e-09 | 1.46e+00  5.29e-09  8.36e-09 | 1.2e-71  6.3e-01  co-a  8.50e-01
   12   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 3.25e-08  6.48e-10  9.54e-10 | 1.45e+00  7.10e-10  1.24e-09 | 9.7e-71  8.0e-01  co-a  8.50e-01
   13   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 6.19e-09  1.36e-10  2.00e-10 | 1.38e+00  1.66e-10  2.38e-10 | 8.7e-70  6.9e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   14   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 9.32e-10  2.03e-11  2.99e-11 | 1.39e+00  2.13e-11  3.56e-11 | 1.3e-69  6.3e-01  co-a  8.50e-01
   15   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 1.34e-10  3.19e-12  4.70e-12 | 1.32e+00  3.53e-12  5.12e-12 | 5.0e-68  7.0e-01  co-a  8.50e-01
   16   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 2.61e-11  6.52e-13  9.60e-13 | 1.30e+00  6.99e-13  1.00e-12 | 7.9e-68  8.4e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   17   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 5.06e-12  1.34e-13  1.98e-13 | 1.26e+00  1.47e-13  1.94e-13 | 6.9e-67  7.4e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   18   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 7.56e-13  2.03e-14  2.98e-14 | 1.25e+00  1.92e-14  2.89e-14 | 1.3e-66  8.4e-01  co-a  8.50e-01
   19   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 1.43e-13  4.30e-15  6.33e-15 | 1.18e+00  4.59e-15  5.48e-15 | 2.9e-65  7.3e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   20   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 4.21e-14  1.30e-15  1.92e-15 | 1.17e+00  1.34e-15  1.62e-15 | 4.9e-65  7.6e-01  co-a  7.00e-01
   21   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 6.27e-15  1.97e-16  2.89e-16 | 1.16e+00  1.85e-16  2.40e-16 | 5.1e-64  9.7e-01  co-a  8.50e-01
   22   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 1.21e-15  4.08e-17  6.00e-17 | 1.12e+00  3.85e-17  4.65e-17 | 1.1e-63  9.6e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   23   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 2.33e-16  8.51e-18  1.25e-17 | 1.07e+00  8.08e-18  8.94e-18 | 2.0e-62  7.5e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   24   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 4.61e-17  1.72e-18  2.52e-18 | 1.06e+00  1.48e-18  1.77e-18 | 1.6e-62  9.2e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   25   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 8.81e-18  3.60e-19  5.29e-19 | 1.02e+00  3.26e-19  3.38e-19 | 4.4e-61  7.5e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   26   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 1.75e-18  7.23e-20  1.06e-19 | 1.01e+00  5.91e-20  6.71e-20 | 2.5e-61  9.0e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   27   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 3.35e-19  1.51e-20  2.22e-20 | 9.66e-01  1.30e-20  1.29e-20 | 4.5e-60  7.6e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   28   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 6.65e-20  3.04e-21  4.48e-21 | 9.60e-01  2.37e-21  2.55e-21 | 9.9e-60  9.0e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   29   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 1.27e-20  6.37e-22  9.37e-22 | 9.18e-01  5.20e-22  4.89e-22 | 4.3e-58  7.6e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   30   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 2.53e-21  1.28e-22  1.89e-22 | 9.12e-01  9.48e-23  9.68e-23 | 1.0e-58  9.0e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   31   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 4.83e-22  2.68e-23  3.95e-23 | 8.71e-01  2.08e-23  1.86e-23 | 9.6e-57  7.6e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   32   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 9.59e-23  5.40e-24  7.94e-24 | 8.66e-01  3.79e-24  3.67e-24 | 4.0e-57  9.0e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   33   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 1.83e-23  1.13e-24  1.66e-24 | 8.27e-01  8.33e-25  7.05e-25 | 1.1e-55  7.6e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   34   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 3.64e-24  2.27e-25  3.35e-25 | 8.22e-01  1.52e-25  1.40e-25 | 8.7e-56  9.0e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   35   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 6.97e-25  4.76e-26  7.00e-26 | 7.86e-01  3.33e-26  2.68e-26 | 3.6e-54  7.6e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   36   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 1.38e-25  9.58e-27  1.41e-26 | 7.81e-01  6.06e-27  5.30e-27 | 1.6e-54  9.0e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   37   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 2.65e-26  2.01e-27  2.95e-27 | 7.46e-01  1.33e-27  1.02e-27 | 6.6e-53  7.6e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   38   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 5.25e-27  4.04e-28  5.94e-28 | 7.41e-01  2.43e-28  2.01e-28 | 4.5e-53  9.0e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   39   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 1.00e-27  8.45e-29  1.24e-28 | 7.08e-01  5.33e-29  3.86e-29 | 7.9e-52  7.6e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   40   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 2.00e-28  1.70e-29  2.50e-29 | 7.04e-01  9.70e-30  7.64e-30 | 1.7e-51  9.0e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   41   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 3.82e-29  3.56e-30  5.24e-30 | 6.72e-01  2.13e-30  1.47e-30 | 1.7e-50  7.6e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   42   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 7.58e-30  7.17e-31  1.05e-30 | 6.68e-01  3.88e-31  2.90e-31 | 2.6e-50  9.0e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   43   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 1.45e-30  1.50e-31  2.21e-31 | 6.38e-01  8.53e-32  5.57e-32 | 3.1e-49  7.6e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   44   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 2.88e-31  3.02e-32  4.44e-32 | 6.34e-01  1.55e-32  1.10e-32 | 5.3e-49  9.0e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
   45   1.1111e-01   1.1111e-01 | 5.50e-32  6.32e-33  9.30e-33 | 6.06e-01  3.41e-33  2.11e-33 | 1.3e-47  7.6e-01  co-a  8.00e-01
optimal solution found; terminating

status is Optimal after 45 iterations and 7.676 seconds
OPTIMAL::TerminationStatusCode = 1

We need to turn the density of the code to its cardinality

objective_value(M.model) * binomial(N, W)

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